Friday, May 17, 2013

"We Got Cows"

We are very fortunate to have been able to buy a good selection from Susan and Bob Hoeck.  They were able to start us out with a heifer that will "drop" in Sep-Nov.  She has a steer calf almost ready to wean and another just weaned little steer.  These are red and black angus with the prettiest white faces.  They've been roaming on 600 acres of Robinson land, so we've had to get them used to us,  with quads, (not horses), fodder, (not alfalfa) and a new pasture. 

The arrival was not even a 10 second introduction.  Bob expertly backed up the trailer into the corral, open at the other end, they practically jumped from the trailer, found the opening and without even a "by your leave", They Were Gone!

Pictures you say - Negativo batman!  We've been working for two weeks and have finally got within two feet of mama - only for the food, mind you.  Who can think of cameras.  We are coaxing them to follow us to the corral where we will begin fence weaning,  Mama on one side, baby on the other - not as traumatic as separating them into different fields.

Every morning is like a safari here at Salad Bar - looking for our wild ducks, wondering, did she hide those eggs?  Finding the cows that hide from us in the big pasture.  Working in the grow trailer and asking myself what happened to May 15, I should have 5 trays - but I don't.  Age is such a lesson in humility!  And of course, feeding the piggers, I call them "the girls" which I don't think they are but they are giddy and squeel like a group of young girls seeing the Beetles when I come 'round with their fodder.

Yep - stay tuned - photos to come!

Friday, May 3, 2013

The piggers

Meanwhile, the piggers are growing well on a diet of fodder, although I am surprised that they consume daily a whopping 45-50 pounds of the munchy green barley sprouts.  To avoid waste we feed three times a day which is fun because they hear my voice and get so excited knowing it means food.  We bought a small mineral block which I see them trying to nibble, it's hanging in a holder nailed to the wooden gate post.  We put a new feed trough as they have outgrown the smaller one.  Now they have half of a 40 gal hotwater tank, cut length wise, it's long enough so that all three pigs climb in to eat. 

Fodder House in Full Swing for Spring

We've been busy since my last post - the irrigation season has begun and our pasture grass is green and beautiful, knee deep with seeds.  Lucky for us that our cows are ready for their new home.  We're very excited to be welcoming a bred Mama with a calf, to be weaned in June and another, just weaned, steer. Cliff has been working hard, repairing and placing the new electric wire, this along with the old field fencing should keep them home.  He's taking precautions knowing that he will be the one chasing after them.