It has been a busy beginning with the family starting with Cliff going to Beauport -the sale of the boat didn't work out as hoped, so cliff is still looking for a boat buyer to save the gray whales and the planet. And
then Hawaii came to work on plans for a rental house they bought in September last year. Jerry was great, loving to cook and we loved eating at Jerry's Big Az Kitchen. The food and service always came with a money back guarantee , hahaha!
Not long after Hawaii came The New Hammie bunch. Travelling with a toddler Princess can be a challenge and it took Sgt Chelsea Bleu a few days in staging to accept she was no longer in charge.
So for us, spring continues, not much water, not much rain! But the kids of the Double b are coming home, all trying to get back to the life they couldn't wait to leave. Funny how things go round, eh?