Monday, March 28, 2016

Free Range Chickens and the Snow Beast

On a recent trip to Wyoming we discovered "guard dogs" an article in an eastern Nevada paper caught my eye.  Apparently these dogs, groomed to guard herds of sheep, were abandoned and left to wander when the herd moved to harvest.  Some of them survived, many have been rescued, some of them left to manage on their own, turned wild.  Throughout the article was the impressive thread of the breed's gentleness and tranquil nature, their excessive curiosity and most important was how they come to be "protectors". 
We call him the "Snow Beast" 

At a skinny 4 month old he was a playful, chew it up, curious puppy that loved rides in the truck.  He has found every way under the fence, apparently he believes my neighbor's cows also need his protection.  His friendly and gentle spirit has made him a favorite of everyone from the mail carrier to our neighbors who call frequently to let us know he is visiting. 

Bear is great with the little kids in our family, playful with visiting dogs, he pretty much ignors the chickens, wants to play with the piggers and pretends he is a charging bull, to get the steers to chase him.  
He is Cliff's best friend and has shown him on more than one occassion how to dig in the dirt, the proper way.  He's great company on those long walks checking the fenceline and is considerate about where to do his "business" so it is not a pile in the backyard.  Sweet natured and lovable is our Bear.  I'm so glad we found out about this breed.