Saturday, September 17, 2016

September's - Bailin' Time

Our first season of cutting, raking, bailing and we've made it to the third cut, more than ready in September.  Hitching the mower to the tractor and loading up the trailer - so excited!  The pasture has growing and getting good irrigation from my new sprinklers, scientifically spaced to include every  possible. Packed a lunch, grabbed my cowboy hat and dog and I'm ready to rock n roll. 

After the first two passes, mower kept gumming up, but I cleared the obstruction and am back at it until the "Holy crap, the worst happened and the chain is stuck".  Requires re-loading onto the trailer and haul it back to my shop for a look-see.  Hopefully, it will be an easy fix and I can re-load, drive back and finish the cut by sunset.  But no........

Without giving chapter and verse of the worst case scenario, let me just say this.  I order the part, paid extra freight charge for next day arrival, studied up on you tube, dreamed of new equipment, while checking for Fedex once each hour.  And just when you think things can't get worse, you're reminded you have a tax appointment for your extension.

Arriving home, after a rousing good time with our tax consultant, I spy the part's package, it's 7:45pm, I'm anxious to start but worn out from thinking so hard on why I have spent so much money trying to cut my own hay.  My tax lady was less than impressed and in her own non-judgemental way, may have indicated that I may want to reconsider.  No matter, enthusiasm cannot be thwarted easily, tonight is a harvest moon and tomorrow a new day.  I shall persevere.

Finally at 3:30am, I wake my wife and say "let's go chase the moon, find some coffee and donuts", thinking I'll be jump on the repair project and still be able to go to our grandson's football game at 10a.  There is nothing open in Grass Valley at 3:30 in the very early hours of morning, except the corner gas station at Pleasant Valley Road.  Coffee but no donuts, they aren't delivered until 630a.
We drive, to Safeway, Savemart, Raleys, and end up outside Daily Donuts, they open at 5am, or slightly thereafter, as the case may be.

Home, home at last, find my dog, get the part - realize I can't hold my eyes open, I need a nap.
Yup - it's Bailin' Time for all us farmers....Goodnight!