Sunday, May 7, 2017

Mama I want to be a Fireman

So did I mention Cliff had to have a firetruck.  Yup!  That's right, fire suppression at the ranch says he.  Afraid he is of another 49er fire when everyone lost all power and he had to turn the monster after it gobbled the barn with only his tractor.  Oh what a seige it was, 27 houses on Starduster and 7 left standing.  My house and my parent's house next door, Cliff went to help save a neighbor's house, but soon returned as the fire had jumped back across the road after it turned West.  Yes, one of the first of it's kind, a "wild" land fire they called it, started on the other side of North San Juan, burned down the canyon, jumped the river and was a Beast with all the dry manzanita on the back side of Starduster.

Oh whee!  So when the man wants a firetruck, whadayagonna say?