Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Salad Bar Farm - Routine?

Sitting here over my morning cup a jo - planning the day, the chores, the want tos and remembering what was left undone yesterday.  Realizing that just like any job, after so long when you stand up to leave not all is completed, always some for tomorrow and the daily chores don't stop.

So Cliff is in to AtoZ buying a part for the ag pump system, necessary before covering up the trench.  I am delaying going outside, it's so cold albeit sunny.  We'll say good morning to the piggers, look to see if the ducks ate the cracked corn we left for them and then off to do the fodder.  I'm excited to see if the pair of wild ducks can be encouraged to call our pond their home.  Wouldn't that be great.

Need to take cuttings off the Photinea for planting in the fall.  Hope I can do it right, probably need about 100 to plant on the fence line.  We should be up there plowing the garden and planting seeds in the greenhouse, but that will have to wait until next week.  And searching for beef cows.

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