Friday, April 5, 2013

Fodder Growing on Salad Bar Farm

We have been experimenting, building and re-building, refining, re-doing and re-thinking our green farm, growing micro-nutrient feed system, these days called fodder.  Much like their sprouting counter parts for the sandwich sprouts we love to eat, they don't take alot of skill to produce.  Clean water, clean implements, 70 degree environment, dark first then add light.  We started with one tray in the bath tub before deciding this was a super method of feeding animals on a small farm.

We have some pasture, both irrigated and dry but not enough to produce sufficient nutrition all year long.  The more we read and researched the greater we found the advantages of using 50 pounds of barley seed to grow approximately 375 pounds of feed at a cost of $20.

The best news about this green stuff is that my piggers are loving it.  We've just put unit 2 into operation so that we can take 30 lbs each day, which is way more than 3 little pigs will eat, but we like making sure they have plenty.  We hand feed three times each day, because we enjoy talking with the happy little fellas and because we want to have first hand knowledge of health or emotional stress.  You never know when a water line will be clogged, or the weather turns warm  warm they need a good shower to cool off, then of course, the big one - TIGERS, LIONS OR BEARS.

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