Sunday, June 2, 2013

Things are poppin' now here at Double B Ranch


We have the Jackson and Peighton Orchard coming into fruit bearing season.  The apricots are a blush red tone, still hard, but any day.  The sour pie cherries are soooooo close.  A few apples are growing, peaches are showing and we have two tiny pommegranites.  So excited to see the "fruits" of our labor.

The piggers are growing, fat and waddley, still happy tho.  They run and follow me whenever I walk by their pen, knowing that I'm usually carrying food.  The Grandkids were here this weekend and surprised at how much they've grown.

Our newest additions, horses Bella and Aiden, a great riding Mustang and green broke Paint have joined the entourage.  They are helping us out with our irrigated pasture that needs to be eaten down.
The cows (the before the cattle photo) are still on dryland for awhile.  Actually we had a first Double B cattledrive, cows scattered from hell to breakfast.  Gotta improve that technique.  More to come......

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